Thursday 4 April 2013

Time is flying

Its been a while since my last post, and sice then Alex has grown by leaps and bounds. He is a year and a half old now. He is showing his daddy and I new things every day.
Just since christmas he has learned so much. He is saying new words at a rate I cannot keep up with him. He has a love for cars and fish and music. He will run around the living room with a car in his hand saying vroom vroom! He feeds his fish all by himself. When itunes is on he will purposely turn it up and smile then bust a move.
I could be having the worst day...and when he comes over to me and climbs into my lap and grabs my cheeks to pull me in for a kiss..nothing else matters. He has taught me so much and I feel so privelaged and honoured to be his mother.

Saturday 25 August 2012

Science North

Been a while since the last update!

We have been keeping very busy, Alex has mastered the pincer grasp and is an accomplished eater. Along with the crawling he is walking along furniture. He prefers to crawl though..a much faster way to get around!
Today we went to science north with some friends. Alex got to see some animals. He even got to pet a flying squirrel. :)
I am returning to work in a month. Mixed emotions to say the least. It has been an emotional process weaning him..sometimes he takes a bottle and other days he won't. If I wasn't going back to work I would continue to breastfeed. But I feel great knowing I got him on the best start possible.

Now for some pictures!!

Thursday 12 July 2012

Crawling and Teething.

About two weeks ago our little monster started to crawl. At first he wasn't moving very quickly but he is fast now and getting into everything. Alex has even started to pull himself up to a standing position, which I have been trying to capture but he falls on his bum before I get a chance. As tiring as it gets, Jeff and I are having a  blast chasing this little ball of energy through our home.
To date Alex has two teeth breaking his gumline. He hasn't been eating much the past few days but teething tablets, frozen fruit and lots of cuddles from mommy and daddy help.
Here is a video of Alex crawling.
Next week is his nine month app. I am anxious to see what this lil guy weighs. He is in 18 month clothing now.

Thursday 5 July 2012

Homemade finger paints :)

The other day I found a recipe for baby friendly finger paint made with flour, food coloring and water. Today I decided to give them a try with Alex. The paints turned out pretty thick and gooey but he had a good time smearing it around. I think we may have a picasso in the works :)

Here are the finished masterpieces, very fridge worthy I think.

A long time in the making.

Almost a year ago while I was pregnant my husband and I were tossing around the idea of starting a blog about our growing little family. While pregnant, I seemed to have all the time in the world to start yet here I am almost nine months later just writing our first post. It seemed really easy at the time to talk about it saying we would get to it, but it never happened. It seemed whenever I got the itch to write something, I would sit down and end up staring at a blank screen.

But now I seem to have lots to write. Probably a whole novel could be written in how much our lives have changed in the two years we have been married. Less than five months after our wedding my husband took a job in a new city and two weeks before we moved, a positive pregnancy test, and we almost changed our minds.

We ended up moving anyways, and had our son in a place we knew no one. Now he is almost nine months old. In a few days I am returning to work partime and I don't know where the time went.

The star and whole reason for starting this blog is this little guy here.

This is Alex, aka Boo boo bear, Little man, and sometimes Stinker boy. If I had a dime everytime this kid smiled we'd be a rich family. This child never cries ever, even though he is cutting two teeth at once. He takes after his father so much in looks and disposition.. If he was anything like his mommy, we'd be in trouble.

This is my husband Jeff and I

Was about six months pregnant here. Jeff is a congential amputee and was born like this. He came up with the name for our blog. Much more creative then what I could come up with. He's a writer for a local radio station and is much more creative with his choice of vocabulary then I would be. I am a graphic artist and in a few days this page will be nice and spuced up.

So why start this blog? Its to share with the people we love and friends, to have a glimpse into our lives. While we travel home alot, the little things are still missed. This gives them a chance to check in. Its something that will always be there for us to look back on two. I am no in this for the money or for the advertising or anything like that. I just wanted a way that wasn't facebook that I could share our lives with the people we love and care about.